Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hong Kong part 1

What a city! It was my first visit to Asia and what an experience. I  must say though, Hong Kong is nothing like rest of the China. It is almost like NYC but packed. Super tall buildings, lots of people, and high humidity. 

I was very excited to see my other half  who works there as an executive chef and could show me around the city and give me a good culinary tour. First stop was "Sun Tung Lok", and the third restaurant in HK to hold three Michelin stars. They are famous for their shark's fin dumpling/soup and suckling pig delicacies. 

     I loved how you see small food joints everywhere around the city. You can sit down, have a bowl of noodles and be completely satisfied for only $4.

I absolutely love how Jasmin rice is eaten everywhere. It is always perfectly cooked, served mostly with a choice of roasted pig (in this case suckling), duck, steamed chicken...and my favorite ginger scallion sauce. I could put it on anything. 

 I used the opportunity to buy some local spices like ginseng, goji berries, black sesame seeds and Chinese cane sugar. I use ginseng mostly in tea, but also as an addition to soups alongside with goji berries and ginger. Black sesame should be toasted first, mainly because it is easier to digest and the flavor is more pronounced. This applies to any other seed. Do you see how this lady's using this forgotten method to calculate the price?

This is the market in the Central. It is opened every day and you can buy anything from eggs, spices, vegetables, dry goods, but also fish, shellfish and meat that is sitting outside without refrigeration.

There is a high consumption of soy products including firm and silken tofu made daily.

When I saw there is rice pizza...Let's  put it this way. There is rice anything!!
All of their foods are mostly presented in a window display but made of plastic. They did a pretty good job I must say. 

My next post will be focused on my area - sweets!! I had to give a bit of of introduction first and then we can move onto the best part ;)


  1. Super fotke! Uvijek me fasciniralo, kako neki ljudi uspjevaju, hodati, gledati, pricati, fotkati, kupovati u totalno nepoznatom gradu i to sve istovremeno...svaka cast:)!

  2. fenomenalan post, odlično si ovo prikazala

  3. Rođak nam je pre dve godine boravio u Kini, pa sam imala prilike slušati divne priče o nekoj drugoj kulturi kao i pogledati fotke. Fascinantna nacija. Naravno gde je on bio tamo niko nije jeo pirinač. Kod njih to zavisi od kraja do karaja. Prelepe fotografije sa divnim osvrtom na hranu, što nama food bloggerima naravno najviše pali maštu!

  4. Melrose - Moram ti priznat, nije baš ni lako fotografirat, probavat i gledat uokolo u isto vrijeme (pogotovo jer sam uvijek nestrpljiva da nešto novo probam!)

  5. i ja san fascinirana fotkama... bravo!
    i gradom... naravno :)

  6. Sanja - Baš mi je drago da si se javila! Često sam se zapitala gdje si, što si...Nemaš više blog?
